Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Security and Personnel - Week 11

Weekly reflection
What actions can each person in an organisation take to minimize the risk of identity theft?

* Shred any confidential documents, especially ones that contain private information, such as address, phone number, tax file number etc.

* Use strong passwords on all your accounts and make sure you change your passwords regularly

* Do not use the same password for all of your accounts.

* Update the software on your computer frequently. This includes your operating system, firewall, anti-virus and anti-spam software

* When you are using email do not open any emails or attachments from people you dont know

* Always use a virus scanner when you open attatchments

* Ask about securty practices at your workplace and find out who has access to your private information

Discuss and generate a list of concrete actions each student can take to control this risk at UB.

It is very important to control the risk you have of someone gaining access to your private information. To control risk at the university of ballarat I recomend that each student:

* Manages their personal information cautiously

* Change their passwords on a regular basis and do not tell anyone their password

* Do not open any emails where you dont know the sender

How do you think the Information Security department at UB is structured? You don't need to know the correct answer to this, but based on your understanding of UB's size and the types of information it needs to secure, what roles do you imagine exist here?

I think the Information Security department at UB is structured where security measures are updated regularly, such as implimenting new software and changing passwords regularly. I would also think that there would have to be a very secure place where all students private information is stored and I think they would have a good backup system and anti-virus software.

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