Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Physical Security - Week 9

In your blog, reflect on your understanding of the content in section 9.
Physical security describes both measures that prevent or deter attackers from accessing a facility, resource, or information and it provides information on how to prevent an attack from occuring to your information. It can be as simple as a locked door or as elaborate as multiple layers of armed security guards and multiple security safeguards, such as passwords updated daily, alarms, motion detectors or biometrics such as finger print varification. A good example of physical security is an automatic teller machine which is protected by spoiling the money inside when they are attacked. Money tainted with a dye could act as a flag to the money's unlawful acquisition. One of the main goals with physical security is to convince potential attackers that the likely costs of attack exceed the value of making the attack. There are at least four layers of physical security: Environmental design, Mechanical and electronic access control, Intrusion detection and Video monitoring.

How safe is the data on your computer, especially if your computer is lost or stolen?
I dont think the data on my computer would be very safe, the computer I have is sort of older, so not as high tech as most of the computers on the market today... I think if there are people out there who can hack into security networks of major companies, and even countries, then my desk top wont stand a chance... not that there is anything of value on here, mostly essays, lecture notes and family photos, more sentimental value.

If you were working for a large multinational business or government department, what measures do think might be in place to mitigate the risks of physical theft or loss?

Key cards, security passowrds that are changed daily or weekly at least, finger scans, or eye scans, voice recognition, survelance cameras, i think that the networks would all be connected to a computer that can detect if something is going on that shouldnt be.

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