Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Task 1 Part A: Week 2 Questions

Why have you chosen to study this course?
I have chosen to do this course mainly because I needed an elective, I had done an online course previously (e-Business) and found I genuenly enjoyed it :), so much so I am now doing e-Marketing (another online course) as well as Corporate Information Security. I guess the appeal to the subject lays in the "no need to attend boring lectures and I can learn in my own time at my own pace". Not to mention I am actually interested in security and how the vast increases in the way the world uses the internet for commerce has led to the requirement for better security as fraud and identity theft increase with the ever increasing movements in technology and the internet.

What do you hope to learn this semester?
I hope to learn more about information security

What is your definition of information?
My definition of informations is the knowledge that is gained through research, such as reading, the internet, television and life experiences in general. Everything in life provides us with information, with the creation of the internet information on any possible subject you could want to know about is now but a mere click away... Information is knowledge and knowledge is power, or something along those lines

What is your definition of information security?
Information security the protection of personal information

How will the knowledge of information security you gain this semester help you in the future?
Technology will always be advancing and security is always going to be a major issue for business and consumers alike, at the moment I am a consumer, and any information that will help protect my security will be a great help :). I think this course will help me in the future, particularly in my future career.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bry. Well written. As we'll see very soon, infosec is much more than the protection of personal information, and I hope you enjoy the learning experience away from "boring lectures" this semester!

    Your grade is in Moodle.
