Sunday, August 30, 2009

Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues - Week 5

To do this week
Use the discussion forum in this week's section to post information relating to legal aspects of information security in Australia. That is, find links to relevant Australian laws and resources. They could include:

General computer crime laws
* Commonwealth Cybercrime Bill 2001 "was approved by the Parliament with minor amendments on 27 September 2001. The legislation was an overbroad knee-jerk reaction to then recent well-publicised virus attacks, and has the potential to criminalise innocent behaviour such as possession of security software. It also introduced an alarming law enforcement provision requiring release of encryption keys or decryption of data, contrary to the common law privilege against self-incrimination"
Link -

privacy laws
Privacy Act 1988
Link -

"To help safeguard your privacy, the Australian Government has released a StaySmartOnline website with information and tips on how you can protect yourself online. Cybersmart, developed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority, provides resources and practical advice to help young kids, kids, teens and parents safely enjoy the online world"
Link -

Copyright laws
Copyright Act 1968
Link -

Internet Security
The Australian Internet Security Initiative (AISI)
"The ACMA developed the Australian Internet Security Initiative (AISI) to help address the emerging problem of compromised computers (sometimes referred to as 'zombies', 'bots', or 'drones'). Computers can become compromised through the surreptitious installation of malicious software (malware) that enables the computer to be controlled remotely for illegal and harmful activities without the computer user's knowledge"
Link -

In your blog, write about the research procedure you undertook to find these resources, and which resources you consider to be most important to information security

I looked up a lot of the information I found on the internet. I considered the resources that had a legitimate source the most important, in particular the ones from australian government websites as i beleive these have more credability.

Do you see any disparity between local (Australian) law and International law? What could be the implications when information security breaches cross borders?

Extradidtion, face the laws in the country you broke the law in... e.g. drug trafficing laws are vaslty different in australia compared to bali, thailand where there is a death penalty.

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